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Dirk de Villiers

Prof Chris Barnard

Hamilton Naki

Hamilton Naki receives Media attention

Order of Mapungubwe awarded to Hamilton Naki

Hamilton Naki receiving award from President Thabo Mbeki

Dirk filming from Table Mountain

Dirk in Cannes

Lead Actors from "Arende"

Scene from "Arende"

On the set of "Arende"

On the set of "Lied van die Lappop"

Setting up a shot on "Lied van die Lappop"

"Lied van die Lappop"

Dirk and Hamilton in the headlines again

Hamilton Naki in surgery

Naki (far right) and the Groote Schuur surgical team

Dirk and close friend, Karen

Expedition to the "Lost City of the Kalahari"

Dirk on his Production: "La Bophelo"

