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Media Coverage
The Argus Article on Dirk de Villiers and Hamilton Naki in one of South Africa's leading newspapers. Published 29 June 2002.
Daily Dispatch Daily Dispatch Newspaper article on Hamilton Naki. Published 5 August 2002.
The Guardian UK International publicity on Hamilton Naki from one of UK's largest daily newspaper, The Guardian Daily published Fri 25 April 2003.
The London Times The International publicity on Hamilton Naki spreads to the London Times a day after the Guardian report. Published 26 April 2003.

Web Sites
SABC South African Broadcast Corporation - South Africa's leading Television Network
kykNET Leading Afrikaans Channel
NFVF National Film and Video Foundation - one stop website to the South African film and television industry
NTVA The National Television and Video Association of South Africa - representative umbrella organisation for all practitioners in Television, Video, Film, new media and related industries
M-Net South Africa's leading Satellite Channel

