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Productions in 2002
"Close to the Heart"
2 x 52 minute documentaries on the life of Heart Transplant Pioneer Prof Christiaan Neethling Barnard.

Projects 2003
"Straight to the Heart"
1 x 52 min Documentary on Prof Christiaan Barnard.
Following on the success of "Close to the Heart" broadcasted on South Africa's popular local channel MNET, this condensed version is geared for International release. Currently it has sparked interest from Worldwide Broadcasters such as BBC, Discovery Channel and National Geographic.

"Hands of a Forgotten Hero"
1 x 52 min Documentary on Hamilton Naki (see Pic)
This incredible story of a "Garden boy who became a Surgeon" follows the life of a humble man with only Grade 8 education hidden from the world by an apartheid era. Known to be Prof Barnard's right hand man, he has trained over 3000 doctors in his career spanning over 40 years and sadly retired on a mere gardener's pension. Discovered by Dirk de Villiers in 2001, this story has received high publicity not only in South Africa, but also in Germany, Zurich and UK. It has also received high interest from National Geographic and Discovery Channel. This has to be a story to be told to the world. Currently this Documentary is in Pre-Production and is seeking finance and/or Broadcast sale for Worldwide release.

13 x 24 min episodes on popular DSTV channel, kykNET(see 'Links')
This informative lifestyle series in Afrikaans aims to educate the public on water safety in South Africa in conjunction with Lifesaving SA. Each episode will feature exciting action sequences to inform and entertain the viewers on the dangers of our seas, rivers and dams as well as the common swimming pool at home. This would hopefully reduce the shocking statistics of drowning that occur every year in this country. The Series will be supported by a massive Media Strategy to promote the Show and create awareness. Scheduled for release in October 2003.

In the Pipeline
"Barnard" the Feature
2hr Feature Film on the events surrounding the first human heart transplant. A script has been completed for this multi million Dollar budget Production. A fast-paced story with a prominent role of Hamilton Naki involved should prove to be an international success.

For more info.

